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Gitarrenschule Band 3, Gitarre spielen mit Spaß und Fantasie Neufassung, guitar, edition with CD. 9783795759186

Gitarrenschule Band 3, Gitarre spielen mit Spaß und Fantasie Neufassung, guitar, edition with CD

Schott Musik International. 2010

Ficha técnica

  • EAN: 9783795759186
  • ISBN: 978-3-7957-5918-6
  • Editorial: Schott Musik International
  • Fecha de edición: 2010
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Idioma: alemán
  • Nº páginas: 120


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PVP. 24,40€

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ISMN: 979-0-001-15796-4

Gitarrenschule Band 3, Gitarre spielen mit Spaß und Fantasie - Neufassung, Ausgabe mit CD

Vol. 3 of the successful new version of Dieter Kreidler's Guitar Method continues the course contents of the previous two volumes (basics of melody playing, introduction to ensemble playing, two-part playing with empty basses, and introduction to change of position) in a humorous and varied way. Apart from varied exercises on two-part playing with fingered basses and on extended chord playing, the pupil is now introduced to easy solo playing as well. The exercises and performance pieces of various styles are arranged in a progressive order and complemented by funny illustrations, riddles, tasks and information on all aspects of the guitar. The content is deliberately taught in very small steps and is therefore perfectly suited for both private and group lessons.Alvaro Pierri about the new guitar method:'At the root of all masterly skills is a thorough training. Presented in a modern form, this educational work lays the solid foundation for all facets of guitar playing. It certainly is one of the best guitar methods for children of the past decades. Each volume combines traditional with modern didactic elements and is clearly and continuously related to the ideas and everyday life of today's youth. A perfect, well-founded, appealing and stimulating package!Dieter Kreidler's genuine love of and joy in music and his extensive musical experience as an artist and educationalist are noticeable throughout the whole textbook.'


Zweistimmiges Spiel mit gegrifenen Bässen: Übungs- und Ensemblestücke
Spielen ohne Anlegen (Triando)
Kennst du schon...? Berühmte Gitarristen von Barock bis heute
Melodiespiel in der V. und VII. Lage
Akkordzerlegungen (Arpeggien)
Kombiniertes Melodie- und Bass-Spiel
Die Barré-Technik
Griff ind die Klangkist (Anschlagsarten und Klangeffekte)
Chromatische Tonleiter
Chomatische Übungen (nach F. Tárrega)
Wer wird Gitarrenchampion
Anhang: Kleine Tabulaturkinde
Ordnung der Dur- und Moll-Tonarten im Quintenzirkel
Die wichtigsten Akkorde (Kadenzen) auf einen Block
Griffbrettübersicht I.-XII. Bund
Verzeichnis der Lieder und Spielstücke

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