> Partituras y ediciones críticas > Clásica > Moderna y contemporánea (hasta 1945) > España
The Magic Opal: Òpera còmica en dos actes. Partitura orquestal. 9788492852079

The Magic Opal: Òpera còmica en dos actes. Partitura orquestal

; Tritó, S.L.. 2010

Ficha técnica

  • EAN: 9788492852079
  • ISBN: 978-84-92852-07-9
  • Código del editor: TR00869
  • Editorial: Tritó, S.L.
  • Fecha de edición: 2010
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Dimensiones: 23x31
  • Idioma: Catalán/ Castellano/ Inglés
  • Traductor: Ester Arana / Chris Gladwin
  • Nº páginas: XCIX+512


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Isaac Albéniz: The Magic opal / The magic ring / La sortija.

Llibret d'arthur Law
Edició de Borja Mariño


-"Muy por delante de sus rivales". Isaac Albéniz y su opereta inglesa "The Magic Opal" (Walter Aaron Clark)
-Génesis y avatares de una opereta camaleónica: "The Magic Opal", de Isaac Albéniz (Jacinto Torres Mulas)
-Triunfos en la escena de un cosmopolita, en una isla muy alejada de Iberia (Borja Mariño)

-"Ben bé davant dels seus rivals". Isaac Albéniz i la seva opereta anglesa The Magic Opal - W. A. Clark
-Gènesi i avatars d'una opereta camaleònica: The Magic Opal, d'Isaac Albéniz - J. Torres
-Triomfs en l'escena d'un cosmopolita, en una illa molt allunyada d'Ibèria - B. Mariño

-The plot
-Well Ahead of his rivals: Isaac Albéniz and his english operetta The Magic Opal - W. A. Clark
-Genesis and vicissitudes of a chamaleonic operetta: The Magic Opal, by Isaac Albéniz - J. Torres Mulas
-Triumphs of a cosmopolitan on the stage, on a island a long way from Iberia - B. Mariño

The Magic Opal


Act I
1a. Opening Chorus. "Lightly tread"
1b. Serenade at duet. "Star of my life"
1c. Entrance of Alzaga. "Art thou awake?"
2. Duet. "The lady's mine"
3. Chorus reprise. "Lightly tread"
4a. Introduction
4b. Chorus. "The sun is up"
4c. Duet. "Good morrow, maiden fair"
4d. Chorus. "Have a care"
4e. Transition
4f. Petiko's song. "When a maid is seventeen"
5. Solo and chorus. "Oh happy, oh happy"
6. Carambolla's song. "I'm a proud and happy Major"
7. Vals song. "Love sprang from his couch"
8. Duet. "The brigand chief am I"
9. Trio. "When I was a baby"
10. Pedlar's song. "Come gather, round me"
11. Martina's song. "Many and many a weary mile"
12. Finale Act I. "He cannot move"

Act II
13. Prelude
14a. Introduction
14b. Chorus of brigands. "Now the sun is in the west"
15a. Recitative. "Before we go"
15b. Ballet music
16. Chorus and Drinking song. "Round with the wine cup"
17. Legend of the monastery. "Cold and dark is the ancient hall"
18. Quartet. "I trust that you will pardon me"
19. Martina's song. "Where, oh where"
20. Entrance of alguacils. "Here we are at last"
21. Duet. "The hours creep on"
22. Duet. "Lolika! - Oh, trusting heart"
23. Pas de trois
24. Finale Act II. "Unhand the Mayor"

4e bis - Transition and chorus (short ending)
6 bis - Carambola's song. "I'm a proud and happy Mayor"
7 bis - Chorus, recitativeand aria. "Sing hey, for the time of roses"
13 bis - Intermezzo
19 bis - Martina's song. "The life of a brigand"

Notes crítiques/Notas críticas/Critical notes

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